Foods To Avoid When You Have IBS

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is actually a chronic common intestinal disorder that affects the large bowel, causing some digestive discomfort to the digestive tract which results to abdominal pains, as well as an altered bowel habit.

Usually, people experience the first symptoms of this disorder between the ages 15 and 40, although it can develop at any age. Although there are some people who makes the connection between the brain and the bowel, IBS is in fact a physical disorder, and not psychological, affecting the large bowel, a part of the digestive system that is mainly responsible for the making and storing of stool, which is actually the stomach waste.

Having IBS can cause people to experience certain symptoms, such as abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, nausea and gas. With diarrhea, people are unable to control their bowel movement, making the passage of the waste particles in the intestine faster than normal, while it is more difficult to do so for people who experience constipation.

Although the exact causes of IBS are still not determined, it is said to be caused by muscle contractions in the bowel, which is more intense with people who have IBS. There are certain factors that help trigger the symptoms of the condition, such as stress and intolerance to certain types of foods, making it more troublesome after experiencing such triggers. Although there is no cure for IBS yet, there are ways wherein people can help treat the condition, one of which is by simply avoiding the particular foods that may trigger the symptoms.


If you are experiencing gas, then you should best avoid gassy foods such as beans, broccoli, onions, brussels, cauliflower, garlic, asparagus, sprouts, and cabbage, since these types of foods may influence or worsen your symptom. If you eat them while you have the symptom, this may cause you more painful gas.

If you have intolerance to certain types of foods, such as dairy product, then it is best that you avoid them in order to eliminate the chances of worsening your symptoms and condition. People who usually avoid this type of foods are those who are lactose intolerant, and they should avoid such type of foods since this type of foods can cause pain and flatulence.

Caffeine, as well as alcohol, could trigger a person’s IBS symptoms since both stimulates the GI system, which will lead to strong contractions, thereby increasing the bowel movements. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided, especially by those people who are experiencing diarrhea since drinking them could help worsen the dehydration that they may feel while undergoing the symptom.

Carbonated drinks such as sparkling water, sodas, wine and beer can be a factor in forming undigested gas bubbles that can cause some abdominal pain and discomfort.

Fats, including artificial fats, should be avoided since they can cause the increase in peristaltic activity, leading to more frequent bowel movements resulting to indigestion, diarrhea and flatulence.

Fried foods should also be avoided since anything fried is never good for your bowel.

By avoiding these foods, as well as by eating in small quantities, you can help treat your IBS without worsening it.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor

Vanessa Arellano Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company
