Exercising With Fibromyalgia to Relieve Pain

By: Mitamins Team

Fibromyalgia is a common and prevalent condition. It is conservatively estimated that two percent of Americans suffer from fibromyalgia either slightly or severely, but in fact, the number may be even higher. The most prominent symptom of this disease is widespread pain which differs from other kinds of pain, such as that caused by wounds, as it will not become inflamed. The pain is mainly located in the muscles, ligaments and tendons, but pain is not the only symptom of fibromyalgia. Other symptoms such as stiffness, trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic headaches are also present with fibromyaliga.

Fibromyalgia is a very disruptive disorder, and especially when outbreaks of pain occur, is can be unbearable. Fibromyalgia is typically treated with pain-relieving medication, or with antidepressants when it is severe. The effectiveness of these remedies varies depending on the individual and the severity, as the symptoms are diverse and vary from patient to patient. Different cases require different treatments. Much research has verified that the natural treatment of fibromyalgia can improve the condition. Examples of natural treatment include special exercises, or natural supplements targeted to address pain and muscle damage.

Exercise could be just what you are looking for!

Exercising while in pain seems a little absurd, yet recent studies indicate that patients experiencing fibromyalgia who participate in an individualized exercise program will have better moods and be in better physical shape than these who don't. After the exercise, pain may decrease considerably and overall quality of life can also be greatly enhanced. A fibromyalgia specialist once said about the exercise program: "it may seem counterintuitive, but exercise will help break the pain cycle". Physical activities have a significant effect on many of the hormones associated with the central nervous system.

However, taking "three steps forward, two steps back", so to speak, is not advisable. The longer your exercise program lasts, the more effective. Stop-and-start exercise programs may not help at all. You need to focus on consistency. Studies also show that exercise can also improve other complications associated with fibromyalgia such as depression, sleep problems and fatigue. The causes of fibromyalgia are still unknown; however, recent research indicates that the central nervous system is at the root of the problem.

Treatments for fybromyalgia should be individualized and custom-made as the symptoms will vary between patients, and no single treatment can apply to all patients. Nowadays the natural treatment of fibromyalgia has become popular, and has been adopted by many patients. The good news is that natural treatment has been found to be very effective in many cases. Included in this supplement for the treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome are components that help normalize the nervous system, as well as a combination of nutrients for total health and recovery.

Follow tips mentioned above on fibromyalgia treatment and you can bet your pain will more bearable and your life more livable. These suggestions along with a natural treatment may perhaps be more effective than prescription drugs.

Article Source: http://www.articlemanual.com
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Mitamins team
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